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Hogs Back Track - Craigieburn

01 October 2013

Conceived by the Castle Hill community, the Hogs Back Track is the product of 6 years lobbying and plenty of hard work by individuals and groups via a series of well attended work parties. The track links Castle Hill village with the Mt Cheeseman access road at Texas Flat via 8.5km of perfect rolling sub-alpine singletrack. The Slush Fund contributed to blasting and digger costs, and helped pay for some signage. The Ground Effect crew even put in a day's hard yakka for our 2010 Xmas 'work party'. Next on the to-do list was to reinstate the trail through Dracophyllum Track to the Broken River access road. This was completed after another Ground Effect work party in March 2013. It's now possible to ride singletrack from Castle Hill Village, right up to Lyndon Saddle and Craigieburn ski field. That's a lot of fun in one serving. All the info on building and riding the trails can be found at Craigieburn Trails.

Plus read up about other Ground Effect work party weekends at Craigieburn: Sidle 73Dracophyllum FlatCoal Pit Spur.

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