Earlier in the year I had the opportunity to pedal 500km from Vietnam to Cambodia as part of the Oxfam Cycle Challenge. Wahoo. With the outlook for temperatures upwards of 40 degrees, I wanted a top that would offer sun protection but not cause me to boil over. I bought a Starfish long sleeved top, but was sceptical – surely I would cook. On day one I opted for a top with short sleeves. I fried my arms and nearly died from heat exhaustion. Hardly good form, so I elected to try my Starfish the following day. What can I say - the top was bloody brilliant. While my buddies were moaning about the heat, I was cycling with a smile, felt cool and had heaps of energy. I had to stop raving to them for fear of my life. But here's the catch – I now had just a single top to get me through the trip. Not a problem in the tropics though. At the end of each day my Starfish and I headed for the shower, got clean and hung ourselves out to dry for the morning.
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