22 August 2023
The Kawatiri Nature Environment and Communities Trust (KNECT) together with the Buller Cycling Club are establishing a network of trails throughout the 1000 acre native bush clad hills of Gentle Annie, a seaside spot just north of Westport on the South Island's West Coast. The area borders the Mokihinui river and runs along the Tasman Sea coastline for about 2km. The trails will be open for the local community and visitors to enjoy, and will also provide a different style of riding to complement the nearby Paparoa Track, Kawatiri Coastal Trail, Old Ghost Road and Heaphy Track.
The local climate and terrain require hardening of the trails. A base of larger stone from the nearby Mokihinui river has been laid and the next stage is to apply a top surface of locally sourced crushed gravel. Enter the Ground Effect Slush Fund who've stumped up the $2250 cash needed to pay for the first lot of AP20 crushed gravel, generously supplied at cost by 'Cooper Drilling Services and Rosco Contractors'. The pictures tell the story, and show why a trip to Gentle Annie should be on the travel local 'To Do' list.
Gentle Annie Seaside Accomodation & Camping Ground will be posting the trail construction news on their Facebook feed.
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