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Lake Brunner Scenic Trail

20 June 2023

The construction of the 12 km Lake Brunner Scenic Trail is now well over the half way mark. The track is making its way through pristine native forest on the western shore of the lake, and will eventually link the township of Moana to Mitchells at the southern end of the lake. Coastwide Films Ltd has put together a neat wee film on the project.

The Ground Effect Slush Fund recently donated $1500 to fund the purchase of a Stihl brushcutter to assist in keeping the new trail tidy, and control the gorse and bracken that grows in abundance.

In 2021 the Slush Fund donated $990 to enable the purchase of a couple of chainsaw packages to assist the volunteers on their working bees.

Local volunteers are continually putting in a lot of hard yakka: clearing bush; forming drainage channels; applying corduroy and matting ground cover prior to spreading shingle, compacting and applying the final finish to the track.

The Lake Brunner Scenic Trail Trust has raised over $250,000 but still has a long way to go to reach the estimated $900,000 required to complete the project.

Please contact John Mullins: jpmullins15@gmail.com if you're interested in sponsoring the Lake Brunner Scenic Trail and follow along on Facebook for updates.